EUROAGEISM H2020 FIP7 Training School in Tampere, Finland 2019
FIP7 Training event was held on February 8-9th, 2019 at Tampere University, Finland and was followed by several scientific meetings of researchers of FIP7 EUROAGEISM H2020 program - FIP7 meeting, scientific meeting with Project Officer from Brussels and meeting of main ESRs - early stage researchers- involved in 15 scientific programs of the EUROAGEISM H2020 project. Researchers and practicioners from Central and Eastern Europe participated at the Training school that focused on individualization of drug regimens in older patients and on development of clinical pharmacy services in acute care, ambulatory care, home care and nursing home care. Participants of the Training School arrived mainly from Estonia, Serbia, Belgium, Croatia, Turkey and the Czech Republic. Experienced speakers were invited from Belgium, Finland, the Czech Republic and Ireland.