- General Information
- Entrance Examination
- Framework Study Plan
- Human Resources
- Research Groups
1. General Information
full-time / combined
Czech / English
- Standard length of study:
4 years
- Form of entrance examination:
- Validity of accreditation:
until 28th November 2028
Medical Fields (40 %), Chemistry (35 %), Pharmacy (25 %)
Study Program Characteristics
The doctoral study programme is primarily designated for graduates of master study programme Bioanalytical Healthcare – as a third stage of education following after the bachelor and master study, and also for graduates from study programmes of natural sciences, pharmacy, medicine and related.
It is an unique doctoral study, not established at other faculty or university (they have mostly bachelor and master level only).
Information on Graduate Employment
Graduate of Doctoral Studies Bioanalytical Methods is a qualified healthcare professional, specialized in clinical laboratories, laboratories of hygienic services, biochemical, toxicological and hematological laboratories. He gains advanced theoretical and practical experience in instrumental methods of analysis, method validation and accreditation of bioanalytical laboratories. Graduate controls the methods of sample preparation of biological material and analysis and the corresponding instrumentation. Graduate is able to assess the clinical significance of laboratory examinations and the possible interpretation of their results at such a degree and extent that can be consultant for the selection and use of laboratory methods in their diagnostic, monitoring, therapeutic and preventive activities.
2. Entrance Examination
Framework Content of the Entrance Examination
Oral exam from current instrumental methods used in qualitative and quantitative analysis, separation methods, processing of biological material.
English language exam for English language knowledge assessment (C1 at least).
Conditions of Admission
- Admission to Doctoral studies is conditioned by successful completion of a Master´s study programme.
- Successful passed the entrance exam.
Additional Conditions for Bonus Points (e.g. Practice)
- Successfully completed (degree) university studies in healthcare bioanalytics, pharmacy or related field (rated 2 points).
- Quality diploma thesis with at least partly analytical focus (rated 3 points).
- Indication of the supposed training center and the approval of a specific supervisor with the management of the planned doctoral project (rated max. 5 points).
Criteria for the Evaluation Exams
- Professional knowledge level – reviewed on answers to questions stated in General content of entrance exam (max. up to 10 points).
- Submitted doctoral project – evaluation of project complexity, modern methodological approaches to solution, and the continuity of the project on topics already discussed by the Subject Area Board (max. up to 10 points).
The minimum admission limit is 20 points.
The Dean decides to accept the applicant(s) who have fulfilled the conditions of the admission procedure and, according to the number of points achieved, ranked in the order corresponding to the predetermined number of accepted applicants for the particular program.
3. Framework Study Plan
Study obligations
- systematic study in the field of bioanalytical methods, focusing on the topic determined at the beginning of the study
- it is obligatory to pass an English exam and pass at least 3 (preferably 4) of the following specialized courses ending with an exam (except for the SDE Bioanalytical Methods):
- Analysis substances affecting the environment
- Bioanalytical procedures in clinical laboratories
- Electrophoretic methods in analysis of biologically active substances
- Mass spectrometry in the analysis of biologically active substances
- Methods of treatment of biological material for analysis
- Modern trends in food analysis
- Modern trends in liquid chromatography
- Flow methods in the analysis of biologically active substances
- Development, optimization and validation of bioanalytical methods
- Selected instrumental-analytical methods
- Laboratory hematological methods
- Methods of toxicological analysis
Publication activity requirements
- Student co-authorship on 2 publications in IF journals is required, of which in at least one work student is the first author. For example, in Journals Anal Bioanal. Chem, J. Pharm Biomed Anal., Clin. Chem. Lab. Med, Bioanalysis, etc. Alternatively, only one publication may be published in a journal with IF above 5 and/or in the first decile.
- involvement of the doctoral student in obtaining funding from grant agencies
- it is recommended to link the study with the acquisition of practical knowledge (stay in hospital laboratories, work for clinical and other health care facilities, direct contact with health care facilities, etc.)
Requirements for completing internships
- an integral part of the study in this doctoral study program is a foreign internship for a total length of 6 months (at least 3 months)
- recommendation of scientifically oriented practice in the Czech Republic for about 3 months
- active participation in domestic and foreign conferences (optimally at least once a year)
Other study obligations
- participation in workshops, trainings, company seminars, etc. on the dissertation topic
- active participation in foreign conferences in the form of posters and lectures
- involvement of students in undergraduate education (practical exercises)
Dissertation themes
Examples of successfully defended dissertations
- The use of HPLC technique in the analysis of phenolic compounds in plant material of fruit trees
- Application of modern analytical methods in clinical research
- Development and optimization of chromatographic methods suitable for clinical application
- Development of new types of biocompatible hemodialysis membranes for separation of biomolecules
- Usage of HPLC and UHPLC-MS/MS techniques for clinical research
State Doctoral Examination
- Survey of selected instrumental-analytical methods in bioanalytical chemistry
- Problems of preparation of biological material for analysis
- Use of chromatographic methods for analysis of biologically active substances in clinical practice
- Use of electrophoretic methods for analysis of biologically active substances
- Modern procedures in evaluation of hematological parameters
- Bioanalytical procedures in clinical laboratories and validation of bioanalytical methods
- Bioanalytical evaluation of metabolites of biologically active substances
4. Human Resources
Subject Area Board
Subject Area Board Chair and study program guarantor
- prof. RNDr. Dalibor Šatínský, Ph.D.
Members of Subject Area Board
- prof. RNDr. Tomáš Adam, Ph.D.
- prof. PharmDr. Martin Beránek, Ph.D.
- prof. MUDr. Vladimír Bláha, CSc.
- doc. RNDr. David Friedecký, Ph.D.
- doc. Ing. Aleš Horna, CSc.
- prof. RNDr. Roman Kanďár, Ph.D.
- doc. RNDr. Lenka Kujovská Krčmová, Ph.D.
- doc. RNDr. František Malíř, Ph.D.
- prof. PharmDr. Lucie Nováková, Ph.D.
- prof. RNDr. Miroslav Pohanka, Ph.D.
- RNDr. Petr Sadílek, Ph.D.
- prof. RNDr. Petr Solich, CSc.
- doc. RNDr. Dagmar Solichová, Ph.D.
- prof. RNDr. Juraj Ševčík, Ph.D.
- prof. Ing. Vladimír Wsól, Ph.D.
Other members of the State Doctoral Examination and Dissertation Defense Committees other than the members of the Subject Are Board
- doc. PharmDr. Petr Chocholouš, Ph.D.
- doc. PharmDr. Lucie Chocholoušová Havlíková, Ph.D.
- doc. PharmDr. Ludmila Matysová, Ph.D.
- doc. PharmDr. Hana Sklenářová, Ph.D.
5. Research Groups
Research groups lead by supervisors of doctoral study program Bioanalytical Methods
Pharmaceutical-analytical evaluation of drugs and other biologically active substances
Analytical Chemistry Group
Group leader: prof. RNDr. Dalibor Šatínský, Ph.D.