
Award for Skin Barrier Research Group at the Skin Forum Conference

Vydáno: 15/08/2024

On 25th and 26th June 2024, the prestigious Skin Forum 2024 took place in London, United Kingdom. Our faculty was excellently represented by members of the Skin Barrier Research Group. PharmDr. Ajit Kumar Pratihast was selected by the conference organizers to present his findings in the Young Researchers Session.

HR Excellence in Research: We incorporate ethical principles into everyday life

Vydáno: 30/07/2024

Ethics has always been an important topic for Charles University. However, in recent years, it has received more attention and has begun to be understood in a more comprehensive manner.

Charles University is again among the top 100 best European universities

Vydáno: 15/07/2024

harles University is again among the top 100 universities ranked in the prestigious QS World University Rankings: Europe 2025, according to the newly released ranking of European universities.

CU will defend the HR Excellence in Research this year

Vydáno: 08/07/2024

It had been five years since Charles University received the prestigious award “HR Excellence in Research” (the HR Award) from the European Commission. 

Report from the final conference: Education in the Basic Specifics of Rational Geriatric Pharmacotherapy

Vydáno: 28/06/2024

On 20 June 2024, the final conference of the project Transformation for Universities at CU entitled "Opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration of clinical pharmacists, pharmacists, geriatricians and general practitioners in the care for geriatric patients" took place in the large auditorium of the Faculty campus.

In the prestigious international ranking of universities, Charles University has improved and remains among the top 250 schools in the world

Vydáno: 10/06/2024

According to the newly published QS World University Rankings 2025, Charles University is once again among the top 250 universities in the world, placing it among the top 1.5% of universities worldwide.

Dean’s Bulletin – 3/2024

Vydáno: 31/05/2024

Assoc. Prof. PharmDr. Jaroslav Roh, Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové.

The price of Dra. Mariola Macías Award for Jana Křoustková

Vydáno: 28/05/2024

On 21-24 May 2024, the international PSE Trends in Natural Products 2024 Young Scientists' Meeting, organised by the European Phytochemical Society of Europe (PSE), took place in Brno, Czech Republic.

Ivone Cristina Igreja Sá won the Czech Society of Hepatology best publication award

Vydáno: 28/05/2024

PharmDr. Ivone Cristina Igreja Sá, PhD. from The Group of Pathology and Pharmacology of the Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disorders, led by Prof. PharmDr. Petr Nachtigal, PhD., won the award of the best publication organized by the Czech Society of Hepatology.

Designing better medication

Vydáno: 22/04/2024

“In addition to scientific research, I also work in a pharmacy, and often hear from elderly patients how hard some medical tablets are for them to swallow. That is why I focused my research on developing tablets that disperse in the mouth. I see a lot of potential and therefore purpose in my scientific work,” says Thao Tranová, a postgraduate student at the Faculty of Pharmacy at Charles University.

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