Dean’s Bulletin – 2/2024


Dear colleagues, dear students,

Jaroslav Roh

Our summer semester classes have moved into their second half, and if I ever wondered why a semester that takes place in the spring is called summer, I would have fully understood at the beginning of this week.

Last week, the faculty held its traditional Student Scientific Conference, where undergraduate students presented the results of their research work, whether obtained during the preparation of their bachelor or master theses or as part of their volunteer research activities at the faculty or other research sites. I would like to congratulate all the participants once again, as the level of the conference and the individual contributions was truly excellent, which was also agreed by the jury consisting of both representatives of our academic staff and external experts. Special congratulations go to all the winners of the individual sections, who will represent us at the International Student Scientific Conference, where they will present and defend their works in competition with pharmacy students from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and now also from Poland. I believe that our students will succeed.

Furthermore, I would like to thank and congratulate all five of the successful Czech Health Research Council (AZV) project proposers. Their projects will bring over 40 million CZK to the Faculty in the coming years. I am very pleased that we achieved an excellent 45% success rate in the AZV competition this year, which points to the excellent quality of the projects we submitted. The latest great success is the winning of the project of the OP JAK called "Pre-application research of drugs for oncological diseases and for the prevention and treatment of serious complications caused by them (OncoPharm)", which will bring the consortium of our faculty, the Faculty of Medicine in HK and the University Hospital HK over 70 million CZK. I would like to thank all my colleagues from all the institutions involved in the preparation of this project. A few days ago, this year's round of project submissions to the Czech Science Foundation also closed, and this year we submitted an amazing number of 26 projects. Again, many thanks to all the proposers, and I hope that as many as possible will succeed in the traditionally large competition of projects from all over the Czech Republic.

For those of you who have already found your way across Mileta crossroad to the Campus, it will come as no surprise that construction of Mephared2 is well underway, and the building is literally growing before your eyes. The construction of the second campus of Charles University, the Biocentre Albertov, already started a few days ago, which allowed the University to submit an application to the Ministry of Education for a subsidy for both campuses. After nine months when we had to pre-finance the construction from the resources of the faculties and the university, the moment when we could receive the allocated subsidy for the construction finally approached. At the beginning of March, we were delighted by the ceremonial tapping of the foundation stone, which was attended by top representatives of the Government of the Czech Republic, the Hradec Králové Region, and the City of Hradec Králové, headed by the Prime Minister Prof. Petr Fiala, in addition to the management of our University and other distinguished guests. I believe that all the mentioned institutions will continue to be positively supportive and together we will bring the construction of our campus to a successful conclusion.

The spring months are traditionally filled with many social and professional events, such as the Pharmaceutical Ball, Zentiva Day, Student Scientific Conference and the upcoming Bioanalytics and Pharmacy Fair. Most of these events bear the signature of the Czech Pharmaceutical Students´ Association, whose representatives I would like to thank very much for the perfect organization. I would like to thank the third-year students for their invitation and kind welcome at this year's Pharmacists' “splitting” party. I am glad that the organization of some traditional student events has been maintained despite the covid times. And as I already said at the party, I wish everyone, not just the third-year students, a successful completion of their studies!

doc. PharmDr. Jaroslav Roh, Ph.D.
Dean of the faculty

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