5.1. Library
The Faculty of Pharmacy runs a library with a volume of 70,000 books and 150 journals. The libraries of Medical Faculty and University of Hradec Králové are also at disposal to the students of Pharmacy. Most of the library services including, e.g., the Medline database search, are free of charge for students.
5.2. Language teaching
The Section of Foreign Languages provides optional basic level Czech language teaching for foreign students enrolled at the Faculty of Pharmacy. These courses are not compulsory. Very good knowledge of English is prerequisite for the enrolment.
5.3. Computer facilities
The Faculty of Pharmacy has two training labs equipped with 50 PCs (including word processing software, Internet connections, etc.), all available to students free of charge. Students enrolled at the Faculty are eligible for an Internet address.
The Faculty of Pharmacy has its own Web page. You will find there more detailed information about the Faculty and Hradec Králové. The address of the URL is: http://www.faf.cuni.cz/.
The incoming students can find more detailed information on ERASMUS on Charles University Web site.