General Information about the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is a land-locked country located in central Europe.


Statehood: 1 January 1993 (upon separation of Czechoslovakia into two independent countries – the Czech Republic and Slovakia)

Capital: Prague

Area: 78,867 km2

Official language: Czech

Population: 10.6 million

Currency: Czech crown (CZK – koruna)

Exchange rate: EUR 1 = approximately CZK 25

Religion: 59% no religious affiliation, 27% Roman Catholic

Form of government: Democratic parliamentary republic

Time zone: Central European (GMT +1)

Climate: Mild with typical change of the four season. Average temperature in summer 19°C, in winter 0.9°C

Member State of the European Union and member of NATO

Public holidays

1 January

New Year’s Day

Between 20 March and 23 April

Good Friday

Between 23 March and 26 April

Easter Monday

1 May

Labour Day

8 May

Day of Liberation from Fascism

5 July

Saints Cyril and Methodius Day

6 July

Jan Hus Day

28 September

Czech Statehood Day

28 October

Czechoslovak Independence Day

17 November

Day of the Struggle for Freedom and Democracy

24 December

Christmas Eve

25 December

Christmas Day

26 December

St. Stephen’s Day

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