Témata disertačních prací

Multidimensional methods for analysis of pharmaceutical and bioanalytical samples based on automated extraction procedures and high-performance liquid chromatography

This doctoral thesis belongs to Analytical chemistry. The main aim is the development of automated and miniaturized instrumental analysis methods for the automation of sample pre-treatment using extraction processes typically before high-performance liquid chromatography and other advanced analytical techniques. Sequential injection analysis and other programmable flow-based approaches will be used to develop and optimize miniaturized processes based mainly on solid-phase extraction. The work will focus on selecting the appropriate sorbent, extraction conditions, and analyzing the sample in a fully automated process. An emphasis will be placed on modern approaches, efficiency, and compatibility with the following separation step. Tasks will follow the current state of analytical chemistry and the requirements of target samples and analytes. The workgroup has more than 40 years of experience with the development of flow-based methods, and the laboratory is equipped with current state-of-the-art HPLC instrumentation. More information on Personal webpage: Petr Chocholouš,https://portal.faf.cuni.cz/Profile/Chocholous-Petr/ More information about flow analysis and automation,https://portal.faf.cuni.cz/Flowtutorial/Home/

Školitel: doc. PharmDr. Petr Chocholouš, Ph.D.

Klíčová slova: analytical chemistry, flow analysis, HPLC, automation, miniaturization, sample pre-treatment, solid phase extraction, liquid chromatography, sequential injection analysis

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