Dear colleagues, dear students,
The winter exam period is, I believe, successfully behind us, the summer semester is already in full swing, and we can look forward to number of interesting events in March. On Tuesday, March 7th, the Zentiva Day will take place, this time in the Aula of the Campus in Zborovská Street. In addition to news from Zentiva, we can look forward to a lecture by Ing. Dana Drábová, Ph.D., Dr. h. c. mult., chairwoman of the State Office for Nuclear Safety and holder of the Medal of Merit 1st degree. The very next week on Friday, March 17th, I will be very happy to meet you at the 51st Pharmaceutical Ball in Petrof Gallery in Hradec Kralové. On the last two days of March, i.e., on Thursday, March 30th and Friday, March 31st, the traditional Student Scientific Conference will take place. There, the bachelor and master students of our faculty will present the results of their scientific work. The best conferees will advance to the international round, which is co-organized by Zentiva and attended by students from all Czech and Slovak pharmaceutical faculties and universities. All of you are cordially invited to these events.
March is likely to be a very important month concerning the preparation of the construction of our new campus, as in this month we should close the public tender for the construction contractor, “open the envelopes” and learn the bid prices for the construction.
I would like to thank all students who participated in the evaluation of teaching in the academic year 2021/2022. Your feedback, numerical evaluation and suggestions are essential for further development and improvement of education at the faculty. In February, several faculty leadership meetings were held with teachers of lower-rated courses, or those who were given specific comments, that emerged in the verbal evaluations. On the other hand, the teachers of the best-rated courses will receive an extraordinary reward for the quality of their teaching. I would therefore like to appeal to all students to evaluate individual courses responsibly each year and to complete the SIS teaching evaluation survey. Only in this way will the faculty have a good information about the problems in individual courses and we will be able to develop teaching towards quality and satisfaction of both students and teachers.
I would like to express my thanks and congratulate to Assoc. Prof. Martina Čečková and Prof. František Trejtnar whose projects submitted to the Czech Health Research Council have been funded! I would also like to thank Prof. Kateřina Vávrová who participated as a co-principal investigator in the preparation of the submitted NIH project (National Institutes of Health, USA). Let's keep our fingers crossed that the project will be accepted for funding.
Finally, let me welcome to our faculty a new academic staff member, Dr. Eugen Hruška, who has strengthened the team of the Department of Biophysics and Physical Chemistry. Dr. Hruška has come to our faculty after his eight-year stay in the USA where he first completed his PhD studies at Rice University in Houston and then spent 3 years as a postdoctoral fellow at Emory University in Atlanta. I wish him all the best in his professional and personal life.
doc. PharmDr. Jaroslav Roh, Ph.D.
Dean of the Faculty