The purpose of the educational training provided by this department is to help the students (by means of lectures, seminars, excursions and practical courses) to understand the basic principles of services, management, organization and legislation in the healthcare.
The study is focused mainly on the pharmaceutical care, pharmacy practice, principles of drug policy, development and regulative patterns in pharmaceutical branches, the factors changing the therapeutical value of drugs, and the methods of observation and interpretation of the drug consumption and need. These hang together with the detailed training and orientation in the searching, developing and interpretation of information in topics dealing with drugs (patients´ individual pharmacotherapy, self-medication, the effectiveness and benefits maximization, minimization of the drug risks and support of the patient´s adherence to the rational pharmacotherapy).
The next important task is to gain the high-quality basic knowledge of the legal and economic rules, the principles of communication with the patients and the professional community as well, understanding of the ethical aspects of the pharmacist´s profession.
The department is the organizational and responsible guarantee of the quality and professional level of all students´ practical courses provided in the pharmacies and the other healthcare workplaces (in-patient departments, laboratories, pharmaceutical industry).
During the opening years of the study the students are prepared for the more specialized levels by passing the objects History and Organization of Pharmacy, Ethics in Health Service, Health Care Psychology, Social Interaction and Comunication, Industrial Pharmacy and Basics of Legislation – Drug Policy in EU. The socio-economic academic specializations Pharmacoinformatics and Social Pharmacy directly develop the knowledge gained throughout the History of Pharmacy and Economics and Management of Pharmaceutical Practice. Students learn the principles of the drug policy (both the global and the national level), the basics of pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacoeconomics and the cardinal conceptions in the social medicine. Social Pharmacy is followed by the detailed education in Pharmacy Practice – a pharmaceutical branch where the greatest number of the graduates find theinr positions.The students study all the activities dealing with drugs: their preparation, mass production, delivery, storage, control and dispensing; economic, administrative, information and consulting activities are explained too. Simultaneously the pedagogical process continues in bio- and socio-medical objects, mainly in Clinical Pharmacy, Drug Risks and Pharmaceutical Care. All the students´ knowledge has to be concentrated and harmonized in order to provide and support the rational choice and use of drugs, especially in selected groups of the drugs and nosological units.