The EUROAGEISM H2020 project and the University Centre of Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy
invite you to the
3rd EUROAGEISM Training School: “Perspectives of ageing in Europe”
“Discussion Day on Inappropriate prescribing in older adults in Europe and other countries”
(May 3-7, 2021)
May 3-6, 2021: 3rd EuroAgeism ITN Training School: “Perspectives of ageing in Europe and other countries and future ways to combat ageism”
The 3rd EUROAGEISM H2020 Training school (TS) will bring together Early Stage Researchers (ESRs), senior researchers, experts from different scientific and practical fields and policy makers from different policy organizations, namely the World Health Organisation, United Nations´ Economic Commission of Europe, Age platform Europe, Centre for Economic Analysis in Poland, European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research in Austria, National Institute of Health & Science on Ageing in Italy and Technology Centre of the Czech Academy of Science in the Czech Republic. Participants will discuss current issues related to ageing of the population in different parts of Europe and other countries, problems arising from demographic changes in the healthcare and socioeconomic areas and perspectives of ageing in Europe and other countries in future decades. They will discuss also future ways how to combat discrimination of older adults and ageist practices in different sectors and fields.
Professional program of the 3rd EUROAGEISM Training School (white sessions are open for participation of also registrants outside the EUROAGEISM ITN H2020 network)

This event received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant No. 764632.
May 7, 2021: Discussion Day on "Inappropriate prescribing in older adults in Europe and developing countries and availability of clinical pharmacy services for older patients in different settings of care"
This affiliated event “Discussion Day on Inappropriate prescribing in older adults in Europe and other countries” is organized to inform about problems related to polypharmacy, drug-related morbidity and inappropriate prescribing in older adults in European and developing countries and to discuss possible ways how to improve medication safety in older patients- by developing medication safety and clinical pharmacy services in different settings of care and by reducing unnecessary drug-related healthcare expenditures, morbidity, mortality and other negative consequences of inappropriate prescribing and inappropriate medication use.
Professional program of the “Discussion Day on Inappropriate Prescribing in Older Adults” (open for participation)

This event received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant No. 764632.
This event was supported also by the European Society of Clinical Pharmacy

The InoMed project NO.CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/18_069/0010046 Pre-application research into innovative medicines and medical technologies (InoMed) that is co-funded by the European Union
Abstract Book
Abstract Book - 3rd EuroAgeism TS and Discussion Day 2021 (pdf).
Report from the EuroAgeism H2020 Training School and Discussion Day (pdf).
Registration for free
To obtain the links for the above stated online events you have to register by April 29th 2021 (midnight CET)! (registration is for free). After registration, the web links for the sessions will be sent to your email address on April 30th, 2021 (by midnight CET). Please double check valid e-mail contact!
By sending the registration form I confirm that organizers can use my personal data according to general institutional rules.